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S. Jaipal Reddy Memorial Foundation to organise a National Webinar on “Celebrating Democracy” to celebrate International Day of Democracy On 15th September

Hon’ble Justice A. K. Patnaik, Former Judge Supreme Court to be the Chief Guest and Speaker 

Mumbai: S. Jaipal Reddy Memorial Foundation, a foundation created in loving memory of former Union Minister late Shri Jaipal Reddy,   to observe and celebrate International day of Democracy on 15th September by organizing a National Level Webinar “Celebrating Democracy”.  

Hon’ble Justice A. K. Patnaik, Former Judge Supreme Court to be the Chief Guest and Speaker. Shri Vinod Sharma, Political Editor of Hindustan Times; Prof. K. Purushotham Reddy, Former Head of Dept of Political Science, Osmania University; Prof. L. Pushpa Kumar, Law Centre-1, Faculty of Law, Delhi University and Shri R. Dileep Reddy, Former Commissioner RTI, Govt of AP and Senior Journalist will be other distinguished speakers who will speak on the subject stated the press note issued in the city today.

A webinar can be watched live on YouTube Channel S Jaipal Reddy Memorial Foundation at 7 pm on 15th September 2021.

The United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 15 September as the International Day of Democracy to promote and uphold the principles of democracy. … Late Shri S, Jaipal Reddy is committed to the values of democracy. So S. Jaipal Reddy Memorial Foundation decided to commemorate the day in an appropriate manner that contributes to raising public awareness for true democratic values. 

Democracy is a universal value based on the freely-expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems. Democracy is a popular form of government in which the primary source of power is the will of the people. The Ultimate and Supreme power lies in the people, exercised directly or through their representatives elected under a free electoral system. It is this ‘will of the people that needs to be protected and nurtured in the right direction for sustaining democracy. For a strong Democracy, the rights of the individuals, rule of law and the integrity of the public institutions shall be given utmost importance, for they are inalienable from one another.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has put the democracies around the world in a litmus test, waiting to prove its true nature and efficacy. There is clear stress on democracies due to the ongoing Pandemic and these include curtailing individual Human rights, compromised rule of law, and postponement of elections among others. Against this backdrop, the protection and preservation of Democracy, avoiding its dilution and further strengthening it becomes a priority for the people.

S. Jaipal Reddy, is one of the strongest proponents of Democracy, in word and spirit , in his book “Ten Ideologies- The Great Asymmetry between Agrarianism and Industrialism”, apart from throwing light on the history of the evolution of Democracy, he also discusses the undiminished appeal among people for Democracy despite repeated and continual setbacks. According to him, Democracy is irresistible and inevitable owing to Economic Change, Global Connectivity and Mass Literacy. Further, he also elaborates on the reasons for the success of Indian Democracy and the impact that the Freedom Movement had on Indian Democracy post Independence.

Against this backdrop, S. Jaipal Reddy Memorial Foundation endeavours to put forth a strong public discussion on Democracy, its ideals and principles through the National Webinar, efforts will be made to understand the multi-dimensional impact on Democracy, the future of Democracy, its principles & ideals, and further to bring out new solutions and ideas to strengthen and promote Democracy, the news release issued by the foundation added.

A politician par excellence, Sri Jaipal Reddy was the Member of Parliament seven times and Union Cabinet Minister thrice. He had a political career spanning over 50 years. He was a brilliant parliamentarian known for his oratorical skills and political acumen. His speeches were packed with knowledge, information, criticism and wit.

Reddy was an elected representative for nearly 50 years and for his contribution to the discussions in Parliament earned him, “The Outstanding Parliamentarian Award, 1998”.

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