Telangana Post

Entrepreneur Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf: Civil Engineer who Litt up his life through his Never-Back-Down attitude

While earlier, social platforms were only considered as a method of promoting the brand. However, things have changed. Now these platforms are the most powerful tools to hit the target audience, build a personalized connection with the customers, create brand authenticity, increase leads, enhance market reach, hike ROI, etc,” says Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf Founder and CEO of marketing agency Media Moment Co.

Civil engineer by profession, Ace Entrepreneur Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf started his career in 2019 as a content moderator & photographer at a dental clinic at the age of 18. Presently he is the manager of one of the most famous dental clinics of Jordan and also the owner of a media marketing agency which he incorporated in 2020. Talking about how it started, he told us that he was very fond of posting stuff online showcasing something or the other. This way he was into content creation from childhood. He used to post content on his snapchat where he received love from a lot of people, then he moved to instagram where he was loved from across the world. He has an absolute understanding of what the people love and presently he uses that experience to take brands to another level. He is helping businesses to develop a sustainable marketing strategy, competitive positioning, targeting and branding.

Entrepreneur Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf told us that “The most important aspect of a strong digital presence is CONTENT. Content has always been the KING, and under no circumstances, it is going to pass on the rule to any other technique. Content marketing strategies have been evolving with time and change is the law of nature. It is always the survival of the fittest and if you want to survive, you need to keep updating and evolving.” We too believe that it is true. With the ever changing world of digital marketing, Your strategy should be able to make smart and fast moves, produce a high level of content, publish it when, where, and how it is required. This is where the experience of Marketing and management specialists like Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf come handy.

Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf’s marketing company provides 360° services to the client such as-

1-photography services

2-video & film making

3-digital marketing

4-marketing campaign

5-graphic design

6-create smart Application & websites


Entrepreneur Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf has more than 49k followers on his Instagram where he often shares glimpses from his professional as well as personal life.

“Each and everyone of us dreams and majority of us do not even get to pursue those dreams because of societal pressure. We must understand that when we do something of our choice then success in that career automatically becomes easier to achieve. You should avoid being influenced by anyone and follow your dreams with cent percent dedication. Once you do that success will be just a matter of time.” Says Entrepreneur Mohammad Taiseer Alshrouf.

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