Telangana Post
Press Release

‘Pride of Telangana Awards 2021’ to be presented to unsung heroes’, for bringing about a silent revolution in the community! 

Hyderabad, October 30, 2021: Round Table India, will present “Pride of Telangana”, for the third time, the earlier Awards were presented in 2018 and 2019 and took a break in 2020 due to pandemic. Pride of Telangana is a unique initiative to honour the achievers and felicitate the emerging personalities in the state of Telangana. As part of the prestigious awards, Round Table identifies and honours the unsung heroes who are instrumental in bringing about a silent revolution, as they make the community and society rich through their stupendous contribution. The details of the Awards categories were announced by the committee of ROUND TABLE INDIA, today at Novotel HICC.

We are overwhelmed and grateful to have a high powered panel of Judges from diverse backgrounds who have excelled and created a mark in society at large. The Judges will be shortlisting the award applicants, says Mr Ishan Agarwal, Table Chairman, Round Table India.

The high powered panel of judges comprises of :

  1. Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, I & C and IT, Telangana;
  2. Dr G.V. Rao, Director, AIG Hospitals
  3. Kamini Saraf, Fashion entrepreneur, Past chairperson Hyderabad FICCI FLO.
  4. Lakshmi Manchu, Actress
  5. Manish Bhartiya, Director, Ratnadeep Retail
  6. Boyapati Mahender Reddy, Chief Executive Officer, St. Mary’s Institutions

Advisory Board Members

  1. Yashwant Jhabakh, Founder & Chairman – Mahavir Group
  2. Sandeep Agarwal, Managing Director, Ratnadeep Retail

The Grand Awards ceremony is slated for the 26th of November, 2021.

Round Table India has always emphasised the fact that education is the greatest enabler and helps individuals to achieve their dreams. To fulfil this aspiration, Round Table India will contribute the entire proceeds from this event towards improving the infrastructure in the government schools and towards the welfare of children from underprivileged sections, says Mr Chaitanya Dev Singh, Area Chairman, Round Table India. As before, The Categories for the 2021 Awards have been curated with great care and thought process. The Thirteen categories for which Awards will be presented are Sports, Special Award for Women, NGO, Retail, Film Artist, SME, Administrative Services, Food & Beverage, Medical, Start-ups, Arts & Culture, Education, Inner Wellness.

Each category will have two awards, one for the accomplisher, the ‘Achiever Award’ and the other for the most promising talent in the field, the ‘Emerging Award.’ Individuals or Organisations who achieved name and fame in their respective fields and are role models to budding aspirants in the category will be eligible for the Achiever Awards. The Emerging Award is an attempt to identify and recognise the budding aspirants for their achievements and contribution in their respective fields. Decisions taken by the board of Jury members will be final.

The aspiring candidates, who satisfy the criteria in their respective categories, can apply for the award or recommend worthy candidates they know off. The nominations should be filled online at or, be mailed to [email protected] with appropriate supporting documents, on or before 9th of November, 2021. Interested aspirants may visit, for more information. From amongst the shortlisted nominees, who satisfy the criteria, the jury members will select the top 3 in each category and finalise the most deserving amongst them.

We welcome all residents of Telangana to apply for the nomination themselves and encourage their friends and family to apply. These awards will provide immense publicity for the good work done by these unsung heroes. The last day of nominations is 9th of November 2021. 

About Pride of Telangana Awards: 

In the 2018 edition, The Pride of Telangana website was opened for nominations across 12 categories. The response was excellent.  Three hundred and twenty-six nominations were received. The site was then opened to public voting. Thirty-three thousand three hundred and twenty-three votes were received. The public had voted for a winner in each of the 12 categories.

In the 2019 edition, The Pride of Telangana website was opened for nominations across 12 categories. The response was marvellous.  Three hundred and ten nominations were received. The site was then opened to public voting. Thirty thousand six hundred and seventy-five votes were received. The public had voted for a winner in each of the 12 categories. 

About Round Table:

The Round Table is internationally, a friendship organization, founded in Norwich, England by Louis Marchesi, then a Rotarian in 1927. From a small group of 8 members, today it has grown to over 43,000 members across 52 countries representing every corner of the world. Round Table came to India in 1957 with the formation of Madras Round Table No 1 on November 14th 1962, by John Barton. Over the past four decades, it has grown to become a 4,000-member strong association.

Round Table India (RTI) has around over 324 Tables located in over 105 cities and towns, comprising of businessmen, entrepreneurs, technocrats and professionals, men who can rise above personal concerns to seek and serve the larger needs of the community. Since 1997 RTI, under “Freedom through Education“, has built over 7505 classrooms in 3149 School projects at an outlay of over 317 crores, impacting the education of over 7.9 million children.

On the administration front, Round Table India has a very active National Board, which guides the affairs of the association. Round Table India is divided into 16 areas, which have their own Area Board to administer them. The National Secretariat, the hub of all activities of Round Table India, is located in Chennai.  

Round Table India, is a zero overheads organization. Meaning, every rupee of funds raised goes towards our charitable goals. Our National goal is to ‘Build Schools for the Underprivileged’. Round Table is currently building a multiple classroom block with a multipurpose sports area and a 100 seater gallery at Pinjerla Village, near Shamshabad.

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